International Summer School 2024


This year´s Summer School with the topic "Sustainability - socio-ecological transformation and social work" will take place from 30th of June - 5th of July at the Fachhochschule Salzburg. For more Information regarding the program of the Summer School, please click the Summer School tab at the top of the page. 


 The International Summer School offers:


- Intercultural exchange in the fields of social sciences, technology and health research


- Exclusive seminars with experts in their respective fields


- The opportunity to take part in science related field visits


- A valuable certificate to further substantiate your expertise in the field of your studies 


- Either 3 or 5 ECTS credits that can be counted towards your degree 


- sightseeing tours and student get-togethers 





Fachhochschule Salzburg

Urstein S 1

5412 Salzburg



Telephone: 017623499154

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Application Process


To attend the hybrid events of the International Summer School 2024 as an online-participant, please fill out the short registration form below. After registration you will receive a confirmation mail and later the corresponding zoom-links to join the Seminars. 


Hybrid-Event 1 -   Monday  July 1st   -   01.00 - 02.30 pm   

Hybrid-Event 2 -   Tuesday July 2nd  -   02.00 - 03.30 pm 

Hybrid Event 3 -   Friday     July 5th   -   09.30 - 10.30 am  


For more information regarding the hybrid events please check out the "Summer School 2024 - preliminary program" under the Summer School tab.